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If you have chosen to grow your family by adoption, the family law and adoption attorneys at O'Hara, Taylor, Sloan, Cassidy, Beck, PLLC can assist you. Whether you are seeking information to educate yourself or are in need of legal representation, we are experienced in adoptions and can provide all levels of service to you.
It is extremely important to choose an adoption attorney that is experienced with adoptions. Adoption is a highly technical legal process that, if not done correctly, can have dire consequences to your family. The adoption attorneys at O'Hara, Taylor, Sloan, Cassidy, Beck, PLLC have experience in representing parents in all forms of adoption, including contested adoptions and adoptions by same-sex parents.
There are several forms of adoptions:
- Step-parent adoption occurs when the spouse of the child's parent wishes to adopt his or her step-child.
- Same-sex parent adoption occurs when two individuals either utilize a surrogate or other fertility methods. When a surrogate is utilized, a private adoption would be the necessary course of action. When fertility methods are used, the spouse who does not give birth to the child would need to utilize a private adoption in order to be legally recognized as your child’s parent.
- Private adoption occurs when an individual or couple wishes to adopt a child where the adoptive parent(s) and biological parent(s). This is usually when the adoptive parent(s) and the biological parent(s) are introduced through a family member or friend and is done without the aid of an agency.
- Foster adoption occurs when a foster parent wishes to adopt a child placed with them by the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services.
- Agency adoption occurs when the adoptive parent(s) work with a licensed adoption agency in matching them with a child in need of adoption.
If adoption is something you’d like to pursue, contact our office by phone or e-mail to schedule your initial consultation and learn more about how our attorneys can help.